The Paulsen Place
On the San Antonio River,
Close to the mountain’s base,
Under a sheltering white oak,
Nestles the Paulsen Place.
Here, like a weary Pilgrim,
In search of a worthy goal,
Came one, who was ever seeking
Peace for a tired soul.
He heard the birds notes mingle
In tranquil lullaby,
The south wind whispered softly
“The peace you seek is nigh”.
The grey leaved river willows
In solemn welcome nod,
And the murmur of the water
Is like the voice of God.
The fleecy clouds float lightly
O’er Santa Lucia’s crest—
The blue peak stands forever,
Reflecting tranquil rest.
Then came a thought and lingered
Within the Pilgrims heart,
“Here, I shall build a haven
For all who dwell apart.
Nor lock nor key be fitted
That all who enter through
May warm the at the hearthside,
And breath of life anew.”
And even so it happened,
And many are they, who tell
Of finding sanctuary
Where the Pilgrim built so well.
Mabel E. Plaskett.
Author Mabel Plaskett

Mabel Sans Plaskett was born in Coralitas near Ben Lomond in the Santa Cruz Mountain area of California. Her father Edward Robert Sans ran a saw mill near Pacific Valley, along the Nacimiento - Ferguson road to the coast at Highway One. It was there she met Edward Abbott Plaskett, her husband. Mabel wrote about the coast and the pioneers of the 19th and 20th Centuries.